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Working With the Best Researchers and Partners

This image shows partner distribution of ABILITY under 3 main categories - Technology providers, Evaluation managers and Application providers. Many partners assume multiple roles in the project. The image also details the expertise of each organization in the consortium. For example, it depicts Siemens and the University of Lund as experts in accessibility and UX, Samsung as an expert in consumer devices and AI/ML algorithms, Inside Vision as experts in accessibility and consumer device, OFFIS as an expert in UX and AI/ML algorithms, LASS and H-LAB as experts in accessibility and CEA as experts in haptic technologies, UX and accessibility.

The Consortium is formed by 8 partners representing European teams from 4 EU Member States (France, Germany, Sweden, Lithuania) and 1Associated Member (United Kingdom). The Consortium has thus a large European span, with countries in the North, West and East of the continent. The Consortium involves 1 university (ULUND), 2 RTOs - Registered Training Organizations - (CEA, OFFIS), 2 end-user organizations (H-LAB, LASS) and 1 SME - Small and Medium sized Enterprises - (IV) and 2 industrial companies (Siemens, Samsung). CEA involves two distinct laboratories, with activities in haptic devices and user interaction design, and piezo actuators development. The consortium’s partners have been selected for their unique expertise and complementary skills as well as access to end-users to achieve ABILITY’s ambitions.


CEA logo
Lund university logo
OFFIS logo
HLab logo
InsideVision logo
Siemens logo
Samsung logo
LASS logo

Human Centred, Multisensory Device Creation

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If you want to contact the ABILITY Coordination Team, please send an email to:

In addition, we encourage you to meet the ABILITY Management Board so you can redirect your question accordingly.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon research and innovation programe under grant agreement Nº 101070396

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