Ability WP2 workshop with students in Marburg
17 January 2024
On the 17. And 18. January 2024 the German ABILITY partner Siemens had organized a workshop at the Blista in Marburg. The Blista is the oldest complete high school for the blind in Germany and currently has 250 students who are mostly blind or visually impaired distributed over 9 grades.
As one can see on the image the weather conditions on that day were anything but perfect. For those who are not familiar with blind people and their way of orientating in outdoor areas – walking with a white cane in snow is nearly impossible since one cannot detect sidewalks, streets, etc. anymore.
However, we managed to travel to Marburg with five colleagues from Paderborn and one from Munich. Due to the great support of the teachers and the absolute fantastic engagement of the students (picture here) we managed to conduct three lo-fi prototype workshops and an intensive discussion with a group of stem teachers who all provided very helpful feedback which will be analysed now, published in the upcoming deliverable in work package 2 (publicly available on the website after review by the EC) and, most important of all, considered in our further developments. Therefore, drop by here regularly and stay tuned for updates!
Useful links*
Am Schlag 2-12, 35037 Marburg, Germany