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ABILITY invited at the opening of the Campus Louis Braille in Paris

3 December 2024


This first week of December has been busy for the ABILITY project consortium. The CEA team (special thanks to Ayoub, Charles, Fabrice and Theotime) has been working hard to finalise the 10inch prototype of the haptic tablet, i.e. the one providing localised vibrations anywhere on the screen and for multitouch exploration. But their hard work has been largely rewarded by the demonstration that we did with Lucie and myself, and Amélie from the H-Lab at the inauguration of the Campus Louis Braille on the 3rd of December.

The campus Louis Braille is both a location in the center of Paris and mostly an ambitious but needed initiative to group researchers, start-ups, students and any relevant stakeholders to work together to develop concrete solutions for accessibility in order to improve the autonomy and daily life of visually impaired and blind persons. It aims to be a motor for research, innovation and training in France but also at the European scale.

We were honoured and thrilled to be invited to present the ABILITY project and demonstrate our latest achievements. It started with some challenges, but luckily with the right tools and remote help, Lucie managed to fix the few remaining bugs. We were able to both demonstrate the tablet, with a set of few different patterns, as well as present the tactile materials we used for the lo-fi workshops from the University of Lund. We think this event was a success and very valuable for ABILITY: many people, including visually impaired people, tried the tablet and were curious about testing the future use cases (unfortunately not yet implemented for the demo). We also got contacts with actors in the field, i.e. teachers, representatives of associations, etc. and mostly had many insightful discussions. Sadly, the time was too short to manage to talk to everyone!

We hope though that more people will follow the project and participate in the upcoming studies early next year! Stay tuned!

Naudingos nuorodos*

Institut national des jeunes aveugles (INJA), Boulevard des Invalides, Paris, France

Į žmogų orientuotas, multisensorinis prietaisas

Contact us

If you want to contact the ABILITY Coordination Team, please send an email to:

In addition, we encourage you to meet the ABILITY Management Board so you can redirect your question accordingly.

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Ačiū, kad užsiprenumeravote!

Šis projektas gavo finansavimą iš Europos Sąjungos mokslinių tyrimų ir inovacijų programos „Horizon“ pagal dotacijos sutartį Nr. 101070396.

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