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Notre première interview dans un magazine sur Ability (en suédois)

3 February 2023


Kirsten Rassmus-Gröhn was interviewed for a speech news site targeted to visually impaired persons in central Sweden.

The interviewer was reached by information about the project looking for volunteers for interviews and got curious, because it stood out as positive news. Kirsten told about the goal of the project and how Ability is working with user participation both in Sweden and other countries. There was also some discussion about the timeline of a finished tablet being available on the market and the general high prices of tactile tablets.

[Microphone image credits: Mic icons created by BZZRINCANTATION - Flaticon]

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Création de dispositifs centrés sur l'humain et multisensoriels

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Ce projet a reçu un financement du programme de recherche et d'innovation Horizon de l'Union européenne dans le cadre de la convention de subvention Nº 101070396

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