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Workshop “JetDv” in Paris with the French Federation of the Blind and Visually Impaired

25 April 2024


On Thursday, April 25th, we had the pleasure of participating in the "JetDv" workshop in Paris, offered by the French Federation of the Blind and Visually Impaired, during an afternoon dedicated to the presentation and exploration of assistive technologies for individuals who are blind or visually impaired. It was an opportunity for consortium members to stay informed about new assistive products, and to enhance our understanding of existing solutions that improve the autonomy of people with disabilities. We were able to test various tools marketed by Access Solutions, such as screen magnifiers or Braille notepads, as well as Braille displays from EuroBraille and voice recognition devices from Orcam. Testing the products in the presence of accessibility experts provides a real opportunity to exchange ideas and deepen our understanding of the technologies and their integration into everyday or professional life.

Nützliche Links*

Paris, France

Menschenzentrierte, multisensorische Geräteerstellung

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Dieses Projekt wurde vom Forschungs- und Innovationsprogramm Horizon der Europäischen Union im Rahmen der Finanzhilfevereinbarung Nr. 101070396 finanziert

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