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Successful actuation of the new design of pins!

29 August 2024


The CEA team has been working without respite to create and evaluate a new pin geometry that would correspond to user's expectations, in particular in terms of "holding force", i.e. the force applied before the pin switches state. In fact, in previous iterations, this force was deemed too low, and users preferring a hard touch would switch the pin state inadvertently. To prevent that, a new geometry was designed as well as a mechanism to allow the pin to go back up in case it falls down. More information will come in the deliverable D3.3, which will be made public in a few months.

In the meantime, please check out this short video showing the pins (but without the touchable part by the user) switching states rapidly from the low to the up positions.

The video is unfortunately not accessible yet, but we will work on this next week! Stay tuned

Nützliche Links*

CEA LIST - Site Nano-INNOV, Boulevard Thomas Gobert, Palaiseau, France

Menschenzentrierte, multisensorische Geräteerstellung

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Dieses Projekt wurde vom Forschungs- und Innovationsprogramm Horizon der Europäischen Union im Rahmen der Finanzhilfevereinbarung Nr. 101070396 finanziert

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